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Alexandrine Belle-Etoile

W e l c o m e

HELLO I'm Alexandrine Belle-Etoile, an Abstract Artist based in Mauritius. In the four rewarding years I have been painting, my distinct, self taught style has become  prominent with many artworks finding homes.

I paint bright, intuitive and free flowing artworks inspired by the natural beauty of nature. I'm constantly in awe of the sky admiring the ever changing cloud formations, sunsets and color palettes. My creative goal is to inspire you, the viewer, to slow down and reconnect. I believe my playful use of color and texture is an invitation beckoning you to focus on the senses and experience a mindful shift in perspective in the moment. 

Instagram is my primary platform for selling my art so follow @alexbelle.etoile_art to keep up with the latest. You can also browse & shop currently available artworks under the Shop Original Art Tab in the Menu. 

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A b o u t

Alexandrine Belle-Etoile is an abstract artist based in Mauritius. She started to paint at a very young age and pursuit her passion at the School of Fine Arts in Mauritius (Mahatma Gandhi Institute). She is a degree holder in Fine Arts and has been collaborating with various artists for art exhibitions. Known for her vibrant, colorful acrylic and mixed media paintings created in her purpose built studio in the heart of her home. 

With an aesthetic eye for colour and curious nature Alexandrine is continuously driven to develop and evolve her artistic learning's through paint play and media experimentation. This ever evolving progress is perceptible within her unique artworks. Bright, intuitive and free flowing with little pre-planned outcome of the finished composition. Getting lost in this creative process allows the layers and colour relationships to direct individual compositions organically, giving each piece an aesthetically pleasing quality.  


The inspiration for her art usually comes from within like a diary, expressing her moods.

Each painting begins with a color obsession, a dream or constant thought and evolves. 

en abondance

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Alex Belle-Etoile Artwork.

«La Tournage rêveuse»
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